Preparing for your first multilingual event? Here are four meeting roles you need to know

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Organizing your first online or hybrid multilingual event can seem scary with many stakeholders to accommodate and new event technology to tackle. 

Believe it or not, the majority of our clients have never hosted multilingual events before turning to Interactio. 

That’s why we mean it when we say, we know exactly what you need to feel confident about your first multilingual meeting. 

Here are four meeting roles you need to know to kickstart your event preparation process.


A moderator is the host of your event who coordinates the meeting and manages the discussion between speakers. 

At Interactio, the moderator joins the event via a dedicated moderator console, where they can see the video stream and control the flow of the meeting by renaming participants, lowering all hands, muting and unmuting speakers, and ending the meeting. Moderators can also select which speakers can take over the floor channel and access the full list of attendees. 

Moderator’s capabilities don’t end here. A moderator can also be a speaker and jump in the discussion by taking the floor amongst other participants. What’s more, they can send private chat messages and open a Q/A session. Last but not least, moderators can access exclusive statistics and check the results of live polls. All of this and more is possible with the Interactio moderator console.


An interpreter is a certified, technically trained professional bridging the communication gap by expressing the speaker’s words in a different language. 

At Interactio, the interpreter joins the event via an intuitive interpreter console to connect with their booth partner(s) and navigate the interpretation process. We developed our interpreter console based on the best practices of traditional hardware consoles and topped it up with a fresh software touch to optimize interpreters’ experience.

Interpreters working with Interactio can adjust their volume levels, chat with their booth partner(s), listen to multiple language channels simultaneously, and choose the layout of the video streams at all times. What’s more, we can integrate Interactio interpreter console with hardware conferencing equipment, connecting remote and on-site interpreters.


A speaker is a participant of the meeting who actively engages in the discussion by giving a keynote speech, asking, or/and answering questions. 

At Interactio, the speaker joins the event via a user-friendly participant console, where they can listen to the interpretation and speak at the same time. 

Similar to listeners, speakers can choose the layout of the video streams, access the list of active and passive participants who take part in the meeting, and exchange private and group chat messages.


A listener is a participant of the meeting who passively observes the event by watching a video and/or listening to the audio stream. 

At Interactio, the listener joins the event via a user-friendly participant console or simply by logging into our mobile app, where they can listen to the interpretation.
If the listener connects to the Interactio multilingual meetings platform, they can choose the layout of the video streams, access the list of active and passive participants who take part in the meeting, and exchange private and group chat messages. 

If the listener uses our mobile listener app, they can receive the original audio streaming of the meeting or choose the corresponding language channel. 

Moderators, interpreters, and speakers connect on the Interactio multilingual meetings platform. Listeners can join the event both on the Interactio multilingual meetings platform and the Interactio audio streaming listener app.

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Published on

Jun 22, 2021

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