What’s working with Interactio like?

Before the event

We match you with the right interpreters for ANY language.

We partner with the best language providers and onboard the team of Interactio certified, fully trained interpreters. So that you can receive interpretation in the rarest languages. Seriously, name it!

We give you the network analysis and recommendations.

Check out our easy-to-use Internet troubleshooter to check your network connection. If your upload/download speed is too low, we’ll jump right on and tell you how to fix it.

We provide customized training for your AV staff and interpreters.

Our tech trainings are one of the best rated in the industry! Come to our technical training once and check for yourself.

During the event

We support your event on-site.

We’re ready to come to your venue and provide full tech support on-site. Yes, taking care of the tech setup and monitoring the Interactio system! By the way, did you know you can order Interactio KIT with a laptop and all the needed cables?

We monitor your meet-up remotely.

The minute your event goes live, the eyes of our tech team are glued to the monitors. If something’s off, we are the first to know it!

After the event

We send you streaming analytics.

At Interactio, we believe in the power of custom metrics! To help you plan for your next event, we’ll send you a unique customer report with the number of unique listeners, stream duration, jitter, loss, and many more useful stats.

We gather feedback for you.

We love getting feedback. Hearing from your clients helps you develop a better product, don’t you agree? That’s why after the event, we’ll gather feedback from your attendees so that you can organize a better event in the future.

Get a quote

Tell us how Interactio can support you

Online support

We are here to answer all your questions before, during, or after the event. Email, chat, or call us at any hour, in any time zone!

Contact our support 24/7

No additional fees

Event monitoring

Go one step further and choose our customized event monitoring option! Our dedicated technician will save you the pain of troubleshooting technical issues during the event.

Dedicated tech support

Troubleshooting during the event

On-site support

Ready to trust us with the entire tech setup of your event? Interactio is ready to travel and take care of everything. FYI: we can even match your network reality to the planned capacity.

Testing before the event

Event monitoring and setup on the venue

Find the best interpreter for me

Ok, we will! Just tell us three things about your event: how long it lasts, what it’s about, and all languages you need interpretation for.

Seeking more information?

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