Terms and Conditions


Upon signing this contract both parties agree on following steps:

1. Customer fills forms about the event at least 3 weeks before the event (Interactio provides the forms).

2. Customer connects Interactio team with their designated technical team/person and network professionals in the venue at least 3 weeks before the event. After receiving answers about the network configurations, Interactio provides recommendations on the optimal setup in the venue*.

3. Customer receives access to internal Interactio event management system or Interactio team sets up the event on event management system.

4. Interactio provides online technical training and/or consultations between Interactio and customer’s tech teams (valid in case of subscription).

5. Interactio provides sales/communication training for the Customer (valid for AV subscriptions).

6. Customer tests equipment needed for the event and Interactio software in the event venue at least 7 days before the actual event. Once the test is done, the customer informs Interactio.

7. Interactio gives confirmation if the test was successful.

8. If the test was unsuccessful or any issues occurred: 

a) Interactio team contacts customer’s technical team to provide recommendations. Customer then eliminates the issue that caused the unsuccessful test.  

b) Customer’s technical team repeats the test if necessary.  

c) Interactio gives confirmation that customer can proceed with the event. If not, repeats step a) 

9. Customer’s technical team or Interactio technical team runs the event and Interactio technical team support is always available online or off-site.

10. After the event, Interactio provides recordings, statistics, etc. (if these features were ordered) in 1 week after the event.

11. If customer has access to event management system, Customer agrees to let Interactio know about any upcoming event at least 2 days before the event via email: success@interactio.io.

Please find the new version here